She Leads Church β€˜22: What To Expect

Feb 28, 2022

Sometimes being a woman in church leadership can be difficult. Maybe you feel overwhelmed or overlooked, or maybe your role just isn’t quite what you were expecting. Maybe you do love your role and you feel supported and encouraged by those around you, but you still need a little inspiration every now and then to help motivate you and remind you why you do what you do. Either way, we believe you should never have to feel alone in ministry. We often put limitations on ourselves and believe we are incapable of things that are before us. God may be calling you to something bigger, something greater, and you may be the only thing standing in your own way. 


During She Leads Church ‘22, we’ll be focusing on Abundance. We have collaborated with amazing women in leadership and asked them to share their knowledge and experiences.


Let’s take a look at the virtual event so that when March 16 and 17 come around, you know exactly what to expect. 



We have over 50 incredible speakers lined up to share during this two-day event. These women are passionate about serving the Lord and working with others. They have each been working in ministry or serving in some capacity and are extremely excited to share what God has been doing in both their personal lives, their careers, and their ministries. Below, you can learn a little about just a few of our incredible speakers.


Toni Nieuwhof: Author, Speaker at Carey Nieuwhof Communications

Toni is passionate about her mission to help people love being home.  She’s a family law mediator, former divorce attorney, author, speaker, and co-host of the Smart Family Podcast. She has been married to leadership expert, author, speaker, and former pastor Carey Nieuwhof for over 31 years.  Toni has served the sick and vulnerable over the years by combining her professional acumen as a pharmacist and lawyer in various roles in hospitals and other organizations. She has spent decades serving the community through the church Carey and Toni founded and has been a mentor to many.  Her heart is full when she spends time outdoors with Carey, their two sons, and anyone who is drawn to the aroma of their backyard BBQ.


Jessica Bealer: Ministry Coach and Consultant at Generis

Jessica Bealer has been leading children’s ministry for 21 years, six of which were spent overseeing standards, systems, staffing, and atmosphere for the family ministry of Elevation Church. She has overseen the launch of twenty locations and is considered a specialist in multisite. Jessica is a mother of five, published author, ministry coach and consultant, and host of the Women’s Leadership Workshop podcast.


Susan Carson: Founder and Director​​ of Roots&Branches Network 

Susan Carson is the Founder and Director of Roots&Branches Network in Cincinnati, Ohio. She’s passionate about creating safe spaces for transformational encounters with Jesus through listening, healing prayer, and spiritual practices. As a speaker, prayer, and spiritual director, she’s facilitated meaningful encounters with Jesus for hundreds of spiritual seekers. Susan is the author of rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others, and host of the rooted (IN).ten.tionally podcast. She has a breadth of leadership experience, having served in all facets of prayer ministry for over 30 years. She’s served as the founder and leader of Christian AIDS Network, as curriculum and communications developer for Kerus Global Education, and as Pastor and Director of Curriculum for Vineyard Community Church.


Session Topics

We have a variety of different session topics aimed specifically to help uplift and encourage women in ministry. As our speakers share their experiences and knowledge, we hope that you can walk away with a renewed spirit, and share takeaways from the sessions with your community. 


Here are a few of the session topics our speakers will be sharing: 


  • Uplift: the Power of Encouragement
  • Develop a Generous Life
  • Ten Essential Ingredients for an Abundant Marriage
  • How to Find Rest in the Mess
  • The Mystery of the Kingdom Brings Abundance
  • God’s Provision from Welfare to Abundance
  • The Privilege and Pain of Ministry
  • When Less is More…Really!
  • Leading in Abundance
  • Powerful Ways To Flourish In Your God-Given Purpose


For the full session lineup, visit


What to Expect

This event is completely online and on-demand for your convenience.  


Starting March 16, (7 am CST | 8 am ET) you will be able to log in to your She Leads Church account and start watching the first day’s sessions. Since this event is on-demand, that means you can watch any session in whatever order you want! Think of it like Netflix. You choose what you want to watch when you want to watch it. You can rewind, pause, fast forward, and rewatch to make sure you don’t miss a thing. 


You will be able to log in and access the second day’s session videos on March 17th. 


Once each day is over you will not be able to go back and rewatch videos. We have an All-Access Replay Pass available as well, that will allow you to access all of the content for the next 6 months. With the Replay Pass, you’ll also get access to the SLC archive and other exclusive content, including a special session with our hosts, Katie Allred and Nona Jones. Being able to watch the sessions over the course of 6 months is a great way to really soak in all of the information our speakers will be sharing, and you can even use it as a resource for your small group or Sunday school class! 


Church Communications wants to say a special thanks to all who have helped make She Leads Church possible. Our sponsors are passionate about helping empower and help churches all over the world be effective and spread the Gospel to others. Thank you to Church Communications Pro, Compassion, Dignity Freedom Network, MCWEN, The Junia Project, and Church Media Squad



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